Friday, February 13, 2009

All clear

*Whew* it was a long and stressful day, but It ended well with a preliminary good MRI report, we will find out more details on Wednesday when we go to brain tumor clinic.

Jimmy had a hard day: We had to check Jimmy out of school in the middle of his valentines party activites, then they had to do a couple of tries to get his IV in: that is the part he hates most, the blood draw & IV. He has quite a bruse on his hand from the first attempt. He actually cried but he held still, It is so hard to see him sitting there with tears in his eyes while holding still and being so brave. Then when we got to Medical Imaging for his MRI we found that the special goggles they have for him to watch movies on were broken and he would have to hold still for an hour and a half without a movie. He just loves the goggles, because of how his vision loss is he can see movies better with those goggles than he can on the TV or even in the theater. He was very disappointed by this time I could see tears welling up in his eyes again but he said he wanted to try to do the MRI anyway. He held very still during the first half he said he used his imagination to entertain himself he pretended he was in the army and the noises from the MRI were bombs and guns. After about fourty-five minuites they came in and told him the goggles just got delivered so he got to use the goggles for the last half of his MRI! It took one hour and fourty-five minuites and he held still the while time!

That little 7 year old boy is my hero!


Frieda Loves Bread said... guys overcame the speed bumps! Thanks for sharing the good news! Good luck on Wed....

Angel said...

Jimmy is so amazing. He never ceases to amaze me. I am so happy that all is well. I hope that the trend continues for the rest of his life. Congrats on making through another MRI.