Monday, June 9, 2008

breakfast in bed for the boys

"Cats in the Kitchen" commissioned watercolor 18"x24"
My 10 year old had an idea that he wanted to cook his brothers breakfast in bed in celebration of the first day of summer. He did not get up quite as early as he planned so he went around ordering all his brothers to stay in bed because he had a surprise for them. He made them pancakes, scrambled eggs, french fries, and orange juice. Yes, I did suggest hash-browns but, he likes french fries better. Of course I "helped" him with everything. When the boys were served breakfast in their beds my oldest asked if he could eat his breakfast in the kitchen because he did not want to risk spilling syrup in his bed. Then my youngest boy asked if he could eat his breakfast in my bed because he did not want to get syrup in his bed. Later my youngest came in the kitchen for more orange juice he told me what he really needed was someone to stand there while he ate his breakfast in bed and go get him everything he needed. Yeah, right, the service here ain't that good honey. It was a HUGE mess to clean up, there was syrup on the carpet where one son ate sitting on his floor and syrup in the bedding of one boy, not to mention my 10 year old is a very messy cook, and my dishwasher broke, but it was worth it.

1 comment:

Doug S said...

That sounds as wonderful as it gets - mess and all. What fun!