My oldest boy just left on a mission. I really want to pin a note to his shirt...
Dear World,
This is my precious boy, please be kind to him because he loves you, he loves you enough that while other youing men his age are going to college, dating and partying he has volunteered to forgo all that, spend his life savings and dedicate the next two years of his life to bring you a gift. This gift is a simple message and a knowledge of something so wonderful that it has made his life better and given him peace and joy. All he wants to do is share this with you. You may choose to reject his gift, that is your choice, he knows that. But, how will he know who wants this gift if he doesn't ask? So if you are not interested in what he so lovingly offers just smile and say “no thank you” you really don't need to be mean or rude to him, Is being kind to someone who loves you so much such a bad thing to ask? So as a favor to me, his mother, please be kind to him?
With Love
A Missionaries Mom,
Love it! Are you sure you can't pin it on him anyway? Or maybe a flashing neon sign?
Truly a sweet note! You will soon get a photo and an email from the mission president and his wife, letting you know that he has arrived in one piece!
I know that he will be under their watchful care as well as our Heavenly Father.
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