What a busy December, it began with the death of one of my best friends, Suzanne, one of the most wonderful people I could ever hope to know passed away from Brest cancer. Then we had Jimmy's bi-annual "Brain Tumor fest": we saw 6 different specialists and had an MRI (stable *Yahoo*)spent two days at the hospital. We went to the festival of the trees, christmas caroling and the kids acted out the Nativity with thier cousins. We had 4 Christmas parties on the same day, and 2 Christmas concerts on the same evening, and managed to do them all. Two days before Christmas I sat down on a chair rather clumsily and ended up on the floor with a broken tailbone, it is a real "pain in the butt". We had a successful Christmas day and dinner, with no
serious incidents. All in all we had a good Christmas I just wish I had time to enjoy it. And then it was my "favorite time of the year" I love the days between Christmas and Jan 2nd, with the kids home, the stress over, and all of my family from out of state visiting. The Christmas season is over, for me the season ends on January 1 which is one of my favorite days of the year. we try to take the tree down in preparation of the birthday parties soon to come, and then about noon or so all the fun begins, All of my siblings families head over to my parents home for "game day" where we all bring any leftover Christmas goodies and just sit around playing board games and visiting for hours on end.
Sometimes I think I would like to "skip" Christmas. Just until Dec. 26th though, I don't like the stress of Christmas, and some of the memories associated with it, but I'll keep doing it for my kids and hubby, as part of my gift to them. someday years from now when my kids are grown and my bad memories are distant and layered with new memories then I can "skip" Christmas but, by then I hope I won't want to anymore.