It has been 4 years since my life changed. It has been 4 years and 4 days since Jimmy's brain tumor diagnosis, 4 years and 3 days since I sat on the floor and cried uncontrollably outside the ICU after Jimmy's first surgery when we were told Jimmy probably would not make it. It has been 4 years and one day since the doctors miraculously were able to remove all of Jimmy's brain tumor. I have lots of people ask me how he is doing. Jimmy is doing fine! he is mostly blind, half bald, has learning disabilities, and he has partial seizures almost daily. I'm sure many people would not think that that is fine, but to us it is part of our "new normal" life that began 4 years ago. Jimmy is fine, he is an alive, happy, energetic 8 year-old now. How could I ask for more than that? We adjust, and life goes on in our "new normal" way, we have learned not to take life for granted, little things don't matter, we treasure our time together a little more. It has been four years since our lives changed, and we're doing just fine.